Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Unit 7: Organisation System security
P4: Explain the policies and guidelines for managing organisational security issues
D2: Evaluate the security policies used in an organisation

In this task I am going to be explaining the policies and guidelines that have been put in place to manage organisation system security, I am also going to be evaluating the security policies in an organisation and lastly I will create a security policy for my project. There are many there are many guidelines and policies that have been put in place to manage organisation system security, they include being:
·         Disaster recovery policies
·         Updating security procedures
·         Scheduling of security audits
·         Codes of conducts
·         Surveillance policies  
·         Risk management
·         Budget setting

Disaster recovery policies
This is a plan which is put in place if something goes wrong in an organisation for example if there is a fire and it has destroyed everything in an organisation then they will need have a back plan of what they need to do in order to make everything fine again. If this is not in place then the organisation might have to close down or start again, this will make them lose a lot of money and also have a bad reputation from their clients because they lost their vital information and data.

Evaluation of Disaster recovery policy
In my opinion I believe that having this security measure is vital for every organisation this is because if something terrible happens to the organisation then they would have a back up plane which will see them back to business, but not having this security procedure might make the organisation lose a lot of money and they might also have a bad reputation because the clients might not trust them with their information. So this is why I believe that having this is really important security measure for the organisation to have.

Updating security procedures
It is really important for the organisation to do this security measure, because the change in IT comes a really rapid speed so the organisation will need to be up to the rapid change so that they can implement new security procedures in their organisation for example if there is a new security procedure like eye scan then the organisation will need to be updating their security measures to achieve their new procedure which is the eye scan. To do this the organisation will need to have certain guidelines that the employees will need to meet like updated research on the latest security measures.
Evaluation of Updating of security procedures
In my judgement I believe that this procedure needs to be updated regularly due to the rapid change in the environment of information technology, this will help the organisation such as NewVic to stay safe and keep their data safe as well. Doing this may cost the organisation money but I believe that the cost will be worth it because it will safe guard their data from being access by an unauthorised personal. So this is why I believe this is another important procedure to have in place for the organisation.

Scheduling of security audits
This is when security checks need to be implemented on things like, computer hardware, software’s and physical protection for example the organisation will need to make sure that there hardware is secure by locks like servers and software’s need to checked so that they don’t contain viruses. These checks need to be regularly scheduled by the organisation so that if there are any potential threats that are about to occur like viruses can be dealt with quickly, so that it doesn’t impact the organisation.

Evaluation of Scheduling of security audits
I believe that doing this security measure will have less or no impact on the organisation if they are doing it regularly because if there are any chances of any security threats then they can be dealt with by the organisation. But if they are not regularly scheduling these security audits then this will lead to the organisation to face many problems like viruses occurring from software’s. So this is why I believe that it is essential for organisation to keep on scheduling security audits to maintain their security.

Codes of conduct
These are really important and apply to all employees who are working in the organisation because if the employees don’t follow the guidelines which have been set by the organisation then it will lead to a security alert which can banned the employee from accessing certain features of the organisation. Code of conduct can include being:
Use of email: the employees might not allow to say certain words or might be restricted to sending email to another user who is not part of the organisation.
Internet usage policy: this is when the organisation might not be able go on certain websites. These websites can be social networking sites, adult sites and etc.   
Software acquisition: This is when the employee is restricted to access the certain software. This can be because of legal issues and might be dangerous to use.
Installation policy: this is when the download of external software which are not safe and may not be allowed to download for example software which need licence might not be legal to download may not be allowed by the organisation.

Evaluating code of conduct
In my judgement I believe that this is another most important aspect when it come to security issues. This is because it will restrict access to things that are not allowed to be done to make the network and the environment of work a better place for instance if the employee was allowed to go and send messages via email to another user who is not within the organisation then they may leak important details regarding organisational matters. Another reason why I believe this is important is because it saves organisation money since the employees are not allow to download software, if they did then the organisation might have to pay for the licensing of the software. So this is why in my judgment this is a good security measurement in place to have for the organisation.

Surveillance policies
These are put in place so that the organisation can see what is happening around the organisation for example cameras in an organisation are used to see what is happening around the organisation. This policy is a law that needs to be implemented to every organisation so that they can monitor their surveillance camera 24 hours. If there was a break in an organisation then they will be able to monitor the situation of what is happening and who was involved.

Evaluation of Surveillance policy
In my opinion this is a really important policy to be implemented by the organisation, as I believe that having this will increase security dramatically in an organisation. This is because the intruders will have to be alerted and they might not try to break in the organisation. The other reason why I believe this is important security feature is because it will allow the organisation to monitor the situation for example what the employees are doing. This is why I believe in my judgment this is a really important security measure to have in the organisation. 

Risk Management
This is a security guideline measure that the organisations need to be implemented because if it is not then employees might be hurt and can risk there life for example if the organisation don’t have certain signs up like “wet floor” and the employee might slip, hurt them self’s and they may need first aid attention. This can also be included in a financial department in other words the organisation might need to make a plan if there is a financial problem. All the information that is in risk management will need to be put or recorded in a document. This can be a security issue due to the financial plan being misplaced and may alert security action to be taken.

Evaluation of Risk Management
I believe that risk management is an important aspect of security policy, this is because this shows that the risk management documentation will need to be stored in a safe place to avoid being lost or stolen, to do this the organisation will need to have some procedures like passwords and authentication needed in order to prevent it from being lost or stolen. The other reason is that if the employees don’t follow the guidelines set then the employees might face security actions like being excluded from accessing the risk management documentation. This is why this is an important security policy for the organisation to have.

Budget setting
This is when the organisation is trying to upgrade equipment by purchasing, this can be have a time set of when they want to do this for example it can be once every year or once every four years. This can include hardware that may improve performances of the computer and also hardware, which will improve security like more protected server. This can also be software related to improve security by the organisation purchasing security software like password protection software in order to improve the security further.

Evaluation of budget setting
My judgment of this is that it allows the organisation to keep up their security measure by purchasing new software and hardware. This makes the organisation less vulnerable from security attacks like hacks. This might cost organisation money but I believe that client data is more valuable then extra money for the organisation because they will need to spend in buying that data. So this is why I believe that this will be an essential security measure for the organisation to have.

I am now going to be creating a security policy for my maths project
Disaster recovery policy
In this my group will need to make sure that we all have are data and also are data is stored in cloud computing using drop box. So if anyone of us loses the data then the other person might have the data and also the data or the project files will be stored on cloud computing which we are using.
Codes of conducts
For this security policy we will make not copy and paste information and we will not leak are information via email to our friends and family.

Risk Management
This security policy will ensure that my group fills out a report if they fail deliver the work on time as this will show how my group will overcome that risk.

Budget setting
This security measure will be put in place to set are targets so that we don’t go over budget when purchasing extra storage on cloud computing.
These are the security policy that will be put in place for my maths project group.